Today was my fathers birthday, so we decided to adventure to a new town for the day. We picked the city of Coburg, home of Prince Albert. It is a BEAUTIFUL city - I would love to go back in the spring and explore some more - I bet it is simply amazing come summer! As far as the Weihnachts Markt, however, it's not worth writing home about.... or maybe I am just that spoiled, living near so many AMAZING markets. I thought the people were kind of pushy (especially the parents near the carousel), the Glühwein was good, the mugs cute - but we found the food to be lacking - there only a couple of stands with food, and none of the bratwürst mit semmel that we have come to expect. My rating - pretty, but go for the city, not the market!
This time, we went earlier in the evening - so there were less drunk people, but there were in general just MORE people. MORE people isn't always good, especially for me - it got to the point that I started getting uncomfortable, and a little bit anxious. Thankfully my mom saw that happening, and "suggested" we go out the nearest exit, and start shooting the outside of the market. YES. THANK YOU. SO MUCH BETTER. I will say, though, that my drunken friends from the other night definitely made for a more entertaining night, and for a much lighter mood!

And well, it's me, so like I have said before I get distracted. It may not be "SQUIRREL" - but usually with me it is along the lines of, "Oooooooohhhhhh, shineyyyyyyyyyy" and I stare at the pretties for quite a bit of time. Here are a few of the pretty shineys that I found tonight!
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